Tag: Valeres

WilTec Warehouse Eschweiler Germany

Winter vacation after 10 weeks of construction

The last 3 weeks before beginning of the holidays once again have been marked by time pressure on the construction site of WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH, Ernst-Abbe-Str. 2 in Eschweiler.

However, all phases of construction have delivered more than just in time:

  • The company Schlun has laid a concrete channel of approx. 300m and a diameter of 40 cm and 50 cm respectively. There have been made ditches for the supply and so on. It has turned out to be a bit of a challenge because there is a channel to a depth of 5 m whereas at the same time the construction road had to remain open and free for the supply.
  • The roofer has sealed hall 1
  • Within only 9 days, the rails for the Stow Mobile have been assembled by the company Stow Deutschland GmbH

Not least, thanks to the very good coordination of our general contractor Valeres Industriebau GmbH, the concrete could flow on December, 17.

The Company Induplan GmbH, located in our neighbouring town Stolberg has started its works on concrete in the morning of December 17. The final one of the totally 48 concrete mixers has arrived at 7 o´clock p.m. and the last one of the employees of Induplan Industrieböden has left the site at 7 o´clock p.m. on Friday 18.

The floor made of a mirror-smooth concrete has been the last major step in hall 1 and is going to „rest“ now for a period of 28 days. Only then the supply and assembly of the shelving system is going to start, having a weight of 113 tons.

So, WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH will be able to start the operation of the warehouse in early February, just 4 months after the construction project has been started.

As of 04.01.2016, the outside facilities are measured. At the same time the remaining works on hall 2 are started. The concreting works of hall 2 is planned for January 26, 2016.

Week 6 + 7: WilTec Building project

Week 6 + 7: WilTec Building project

The last 14 days have run by very slowly, the weather was really bad, there has been a lot of rain. The bad storm called “Heini” along with a temperature below 0°C have not turned out to be very helpful with regard to our construction project, however, we are on schedule.

  • The steel construction is done. Hall 1 – the middle section as well as Hall 2 are done.
  • The frontage of Hall 1 is almost done. Hall 2 has already been started.
  • The ground pipes concerning Hall 1 and the middle section have been installed.
  • The steel roof of Hall 1 has been mounted.
  • The loading ramp for the trucks has been set.
  • The scaffold by “Leipertz scaffolding” has been installed for the roofer.

The forthcoming week is going to be hectic and worth for a further report.

  • The underground engineering gets started which means that the construction of the drainage pipes is initiated.
  • The roofer seals the roof of Hall 1.
  • The foundations for the shelving bars are cast.
  • The light bands are supplied and installed …

It is going to be exciting. If there is no bad weather coming up, Hall 1 will be done by Christmas to the effect that the assembly of the shelving system can get started the 2nd week of January 2016.

WilTec: 3,5 million Euro Investment

3,5 million Euro Investment: Family company WilTec prepares for international trade on internet in industrial park area

Newspaper: WilTec 3,5 million Euro Investment
Saturday, October 31. 2015
Eschweiler Nachrichten / Local title Eschweiler / Page 15

It was the phrase „That´ll be for the eternity now“ that could be heard for various times in the industrial park area yesterday afternoon. It was Bernd Wildanger who quoted said phrase repeatedly when speaking about the company´s development that he and his brother Frank Wildanger made grow from its beginnings as a “garage business” located in Bergrath to a large internet provider of technical products. “In those days, there have been about 700 internet companies in Germany when we started the foundation of our company in 2001”, he stated yesterday, now it is supposed to be 21.000 ones.

Initially being laughed at when they had taken the initial steps for the distribution of blue LED speedo lights, the company was quickly to transform and develop into one of the leading supplier. Due to the growing demands on the storage capacities there had to be done several relocations – such as from Bergrath to the industrial park area Königsbenden and then finally to IGP, the industrial business park. However, the acquisition of the area located on the road Ernst-Abbe could not be taken for granted. It was Coca-Cola who intended to construct in said place. It wasn´t until last year that the opportunity for WilTec GmbH finally opened up when the American company signalled the sale.

In the industrial business park, the storage capacity of WilTec GmbH keeps being expanded. There are two warehouses with a total area of 3.200 square metres that are being constructed for 3.5 million euros. They are supposed to comprise a total of 6.900 pallet storage places which correspond to approximately 210 completely loaded trucks. For the family company that is about to expand its staff to 45 employees, the inlargement of the storage area means a better control of its purchases. The removal is supposed to take place in March. But is the area in the industrial business park going to prove “for the eternity”? There is still enough space for more warehouses.